Quality Wildcrafted North American Sea Vegetables
The Lewallen's, wildcrafters of sea vegetables, offer a complete line of packaged and bulk sea vegetables to individuals and retailers throughout North America. Our sea vegetables have earned a national reputation for highest quality appearance, taste and purity. We are a family cottage industry, harvesting most of our own products from wild seaweed on the Mendocino County coastline, an essentially unpolluted area according to state monitoring agencies, our own observations, and product test results. By using tender loving care in selecting the best plants, fresh-water rinsing of the sandier species, rapid and complete sun drying, and careful hand packaging without any heat sealing, we strive to produce the highest quality sea vegetables possible. We harvest ecologically for sustained yield, returning year after year to the same sacred locations. We're also offering our new
128 page trade soft cover book, Sea Vegetable Gourmet Cookbook & Wildcrafter's
Guide; a 32 page booklet with cooking and harvesting information; and three
natural seaweeds for the bath.
Here For Our Product List
Mendocino Sea Vegetable Company P.O. 455 Philo, CA 95466 (707) 895-2996 Contact Us By Email
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